10 July 2012
HONG KONG (Dow Jones Banking Intelligence) – Forget about everything you have read about banks in Asia being asked to provide hard underwriting commitments for IPOs. Brokers have now found a new way to avoid remaining stuck with shares on their books – thanks to increasingly common cornerstone investor arrangements. read
Asia, Cornerstones, Force majeure, Underwriting
Asia, Cornerstones, Force majeure... +1 more
05 July 2012
I was interviewed this morning by anchor Bryan Curtis on Hong Kong’s RTHK 3 radio “Money For Nothing” business programme, on Malaysian and Hong Kong IPOs. read
Cornerstones, Events, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Secondary offerings
Cornerstones, Events, Hong Kong... +2 more
28 June 2012
I was interviewed again this morning on Bloomberg Television by anchor Rishaad Salamat in the “On The Move Asia” show, on the trading debut for the IPO of Felda Global Ventures. read
Events, IPO debut, Malaysia, Valuation
Events, IPO debut, Malaysia... +1 more
16 June 2012

HONG KONG (Dow Jones Banking Intelligence) – The Facebook IPO and its confusing messages have, once again, highlighted differences in IPO market practices between the U.S. and the rest of the world. ECM bankers in New York and the Silicon Valley could in fact take some lessons from Asian ways to send clear guidance to investors – and avoid causing IPO bubbles. read
Asia, Cornerstones, Pre-deal research, US
Asia, Cornerstones, Pre-deal research... +1 more