
Summer break

Our blog will be taking a summer break until 18 July. Please do catch up with earlier blog posts in the meantime.

I can be contacted through this website while away, and you can also still follow our tweets on Twitter for quick IPO and ECM news and developments.

HKSFA presentation

For those of you that are based in Hong Kong, this is just advance notice that I will be giving a presentation on “The key components of a successful IPO” for the Hong Kong Society of Financial Analysts (HKSFA) on 20 July 2011. read

, Events, Hong Kong

Tibet 5100’s IPO holds water

HONG KONG (Dow Jones Investment Banker) – Tibet 5100 Water Resources Holdings Ltd is attempting to raise up to US$206 million in an IPO in Hong Kong. Although formally incorporated in the Cayman Islands as a red chip, if successful, it would be the first company from Tibet to list on the exchange there. The deal is small, but the growth rates posted by the company are impressive, as is its handle on costs, even if it remains very dependent at this stage on its cooperation with a rail transport operator.


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