10 July 2012
HONG KONG (Dow Jones Banking Intelligence) – Forget about everything you have read about banks in Asia being asked to provide hard underwriting commitments for IPOs. Brokers have now found a new way to avoid remaining stuck with shares on their books – thanks to increasingly common cornerstone investor arrangements. read
Asia, Cornerstones, Force majeure, Underwriting
Asia, Cornerstones, Force majeure... +1 more
16 June 2012

HONG KONG (Dow Jones Banking Intelligence) – The Facebook IPO and its confusing messages have, once again, highlighted differences in IPO market practices between the U.S. and the rest of the world. ECM bankers in New York and the Silicon Valley could in fact take some lessons from Asian ways to send clear guidance to investors – and avoid causing IPO bubbles. read
Asia, Cornerstones, Pre-deal research, US
Asia, Cornerstones, Pre-deal research... +1 more
10 October 2011
HONG KONG (Dow Jones Investment Banker) – A 10-year analysis using data supplied by Dealogic shows the number of IPOs globally has remained relatively constant, as well as the relative proportion of IPOs conducted in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region and in Hong Kong in particular. However, there has been a clear shift in terms of the bigger deals, a much larger share of which now commonly takes place in the Far East.
Asia, Hong Kong, Market conditions, Singapore, Trading volume
Asia, Hong Kong, Market conditions... +2 more
02 August 2011
HONG KONG (Dow Jones Investment Banker) – Much criticized at the time of the dot-com boom, the independence of research analysts is again in question as some say they could be compromised through interviews by independent advisers prior to IPO mandates being handed out. But as analysts’ views can on occasion differ from the sometimes rosy picture that ECM and origination bankers paint in their pitches, understanding the research take on a sector – or even on the market generally – can only help restore confidence in new issues.
Asia, Prospectuses, Research, Research analysts, US, Valuation
Asia, Prospectuses, Research... +3 more
18 March 2011
Dealogic has just issued a set of interesting statistics following the completion of Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH) Trust’s US$5.45 billion business trust IPO in Singapore. That deal, which was the fifth largest IPO in the transportation sector globally on record, as well as the biggest-ever Singapore IPO, has pushed the global IPO volume in 2011 to US$40 billion, up 42% as compared to the same period in 2010. This also represents the highest year-to-date (YTD) volume on record. read
Asia, Global, League tables
Asia, Global, League tables