Tag: Depositary receipts
27 January 2016
On January 18, a delegation led by Arkady Dvorkovich, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, visited the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. It was not the first time a high profile dignitary from Russia had toured its facilities. read
Depositary receipts, Hong Kong, IPO pipeline, Russia
Depositary receipts, Hong Kong, IPO pipeline... +1 more
29 August 2014
The ice bucket challenge has been all the rage on social media recently, but Indian GDR issuers have been taking a cold shower for quite a while longer. read
Depositary receipts, India, Liquidity
Depositary receipts, India, Liquidity
20 March 2014
I now write “Clawback” for GlobalCapital (formerly known as EuroWeek), a new column dissecting topics in Asia’s equity capital markets. read
China, Cornerstones, Depositary receipts, Fees, Hong Kong, US
China, Cornerstones, Depositary receipts... +3 more
25 January 2012
HONG KONG (Dow Jones Investment Banker) – News last week that Mongolia’s Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi, which owns one of the world’s largest coking coal deposits, would drop – for now – Hong Kong as one of the listing locations for its long-awaited IPO came as a surprise to market observers. The reasons probably include a disappointing performance for relevant offerings in Hong Kong, disclosure issues, as well as a comparatively weaker depositary receipt platform. read
Depositary receipts, Dual listings, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Privatization, UK
Depositary receipts, Dual listings, Hong Kong... +3 more
13 May 2011

US handbags and accessories house Coach Inc. is the latest in a long list of fashion and consumer groups to seek a listing in Hong Kong. As structured, however, the proposed transaction is likely to do little beyond generating press coverage for the brand, but perhaps that’s what it’s aimed at? read
Depositary receipts, Hong Kong, Listing by introduction, Secondary listings, US
Depositary receipts, Hong Kong, Listing by introduction... +2 more
24 February 2011
As more Brazilian companies are said to be considering a listing Hong Kong to follow in Vale’s footsteps, and as reported by The Wall Street Journal on 23 February, Hunan-based Sany Heavy Equipment International Holdings Co. Ltd. (“Sany International”) has announced plans to issue DRs in Brazil. read
Brazil, China, Depositary receipts
Brazil, China, Depositary receipts
23 February 2011
Singapore Exchange (the SGX) is enhancing its suite of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) by adding new companies from other Asian countries, and partnering with a second depositary bank. read
Depositary receipts, Singapore
Depositary receipts, Singapore
21 January 2011
For years, depositary banks such as The Bank of New York Mellon, Citi, JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank or HSBC have tried to keep secret details of the subsidies they pay to issuers to entice them to sign up for sponsored ADR programmes. Disclosure rules introduced by the SEC in 2009 have now revealed details of such payments for the first time. read
18 December 2010
HONG KONG (Dow Jones Investment Banker) – Logically, there’s reason to offer around-the-clock trading on securities: Investors can trade from their home turf some of their large holdings. But Vale S.A.’s Hong Kong listing shows the value of such an option is questionable in practice.
Brazil, De-listing, Depositary receipts, Hong Kong, Japan, Listing by introduction, NYSE, Secondary listings, Trading volume, UK
Brazil, De-listing, Depositary receipts... +7 more
08 December 2010
Following a week of roadshows across Asia’s main financial centres, Brazil’s Vale, the second largest diversified mining company in the world by market capitalization, listed on 8 December 2010 both common depositary receipts and Class A preferred depositary receipts on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, by way of introduction.Vale is the largest non-financial Western company to be listed in Hong Kong and was also the first-ever corporate to list Hong Kong Depositary Receipts (HDRs). read
Brazil, Depositary receipts, Hong Kong, Listing by introduction, Secondary listings
Brazil, Depositary receipts, Hong Kong... +2 more