Tag: Listing by introduction
03 June 2011
HONG KONG (Dow Jones Investment Banker) – Hardly a week passes without a new high-end brand announcing its intention to list in Hong Kong, and the financial pages there are fast reading like a luxury shopping mall directory. After Prada S.p.A., Samsonite, Coach Inc. and Jimmy Choo [since agreed to be sold to Austria’s Labelux], Burberry Group PLC, according to a Chinese media report, is said to be considering a quotation in Hong Kong to support its expansion in China. But such a move, which smacks of herd mentality, would not impact trading volumes or improve the valuation of the company.
Hong Kong, Listing by introduction, Secondary listings, UK
Hong Kong, Listing by introduction, Secondary listings... +1 more
31 May 2011

HONG KONG (Dow Jones Investment Banker) – Kazakhmys PLC, an LSE-listed natural resources group with its main assets in Kazakhstan, has filed to list in Hong Kong by the end of June. This is aimed at raising its profile in the region, which accounts for almost half of its revenue. With no new money to be raised and no shares to be sold, the deal itself will do little for investors but there may be action for bankers, including M&A and financing deals, down the line.
Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, Listing by introduction, Secondary listings, UK
Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, Listing by introduction... +2 more
13 May 2011

US handbags and accessories house Coach Inc. is the latest in a long list of fashion and consumer groups to seek a listing in Hong Kong. As structured, however, the proposed transaction is likely to do little beyond generating press coverage for the brand, but perhaps that’s what it’s aimed at? read
Depositary receipts, Hong Kong, Listing by introduction, Secondary listings, US
Depositary receipts, Hong Kong, Listing by introduction... +2 more
18 December 2010
HONG KONG (Dow Jones Investment Banker) – Logically, there’s reason to offer around-the-clock trading on securities: Investors can trade from their home turf some of their large holdings. But Vale S.A.’s Hong Kong listing shows the value of such an option is questionable in practice.
Brazil, De-listing, Depositary receipts, Hong Kong, Japan, Listing by introduction, NYSE, Secondary listings, Trading volume, UK
Brazil, De-listing, Depositary receipts... +7 more
08 December 2010
Following a week of roadshows across Asia’s main financial centres, Brazil’s Vale, the second largest diversified mining company in the world by market capitalization, listed on 8 December 2010 both common depositary receipts and Class A preferred depositary receipts on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, by way of introduction.Vale is the largest non-financial Western company to be listed in Hong Kong and was also the first-ever corporate to list Hong Kong Depositary Receipts (HDRs). read
Brazil, Depositary receipts, Hong Kong, Listing by introduction, Secondary listings
Brazil, Depositary receipts, Hong Kong... +2 more